The German and French Embassies in Azerbaijan are pleased to announce the launch of the fourth edition of the French-German Gender Equality Prize. This Prize aims to reward an Azerbaijani initiative that contributes to gender equality in Azerbaijan.
The closing date for applications is June 19.
1. Presentation of the Prize :
The German and French Embassies in Azerbaijan join forces to offer the fourth edition of the French-German Gender Equality Prize of Azerbaijan. Germany and France actively seek to promote equal rights and equal opportunities for girls and women in Azerbaijan.
2. Terms of participation :
All Azerbaijanis working on a concrete initiative for gender equality in one of the following areas are encouraged to apply :
- Promoting women leadership in politics or business ;
- Promoting creative women in art and culture ;
- Promoting women’s role in conflict resolution and peace-building process ;
- Combating gender-based violence ;
- Challenging gender-based stereotypes.
In addition, this year, on the eve of COP29 that will take place in Baku, applicants are invited to present projects with an environmental dimension.
3. Requirements :
This year, applicants must prepare a short, animated and creative video in English describing their projects.
- Maximum video length : between 2 and 5 minutes ;
- Topics to be covered (see above) : describe the concrete measures taken as part of a project to promote gender equality. Projects that include an environmental theme will be appreciated ;
- You should post the video on Instagram tagging both the German (@germanyinazerbaijan) and the French (@franceenazerbaidjan) Embassies in Azerbaijan and also send it to the following e-mail address : ;
- Video language : English ;
- Deadline for submission : no later than June 19.
In addition, applicants are invited to submit a short application file consisting of the following elements :
- A one-page cover letter in English explaining your interest in the competition and presenting your current project ;
- A copy of your ID (no translation in English required).
Note to candidates : Please note that these videos will be public and posted on both Embassies’ social networks.
4. Selection process :
The French and German Embassies will pre-select the best projects, a jury appointed jointly by the German and French Embassies will examine the finalists’s projects. The jury will then select the final winner.
5. Prize :
The German and French Embassies will offer the contest winner a prize consisting of a contribution to the project.
The French and German Embassies look forward to receiving your projects and wish you every success !
Good luck to all !